The Center for Systems Awareness is a global community-based organization that serves a collaborative surface—a space for people who want to engage in compassionate systems change can come together, collaborate, explore, and learn from each other.

Compassionate Systems Change

If our current global situation - with mounting impacts of climate change, international conflict, and inequity - has taught us anything, it is that we live in deeply interdependent and complex systems. Yet little in our education - from school to university to professional development - prepares us to understand and work with this complexity. The result is institutions of education, government, business, and the social sector locked in a perpetual reactive mode, often implementing ‘fixes’ that ultimately make problems worse–and societies increasingly caught in vicious cycles of frustration, polarisation, anger, hopelessness, and disconnect at all levels. 

The Center for Systems Awareness supports ongoing compassionate systems change by helping people reorient toward a different way of showing up and being in relationship with themselves, each other, and the world, thereby enabling greater collective action, kindness, and resilience. Modeled on understanding of living systems, the approach enables people to reflect on and more deeply understand, and respond mindfully and compassionately to humanity’s challenges, their interconnections, and their far-reaching impacts. 

Our approach teaches people how to reflect on, more deeply understand, and respond mindfully and compassionately to humanity’s challenges, their interconnections, and their far-reaching impact.

We aspire to support communities in envisioning and creating more regenerative and hopeful trajectories for our collective future.

Our Purpose

  • centers on reconnecting with and cultivating our truest nature as interconnected individual humans, born out of life on this planet as unique expressions of nature’s innate creative capacity. This is what we relate to as the personal, emotional, individual system – the system of self.

  • focuses on developing our capacity for connectedness with one another and to intentionally shape and nurture more generative and relational social fields and spaces. This is what we relate to as system of self and other

  • revolves around understanding and nurturing interdependence as nature’s organizing principle to support biological and social well-being. This is what we relate to as systems of self and larger societal and ecological realities.

Center for Systems Awareness - Australia

The Center for Systems Awareness - Australia has been established to provide a regionally-based, globally connected space dedicated to serving the needs of individuals, teams, and organisations looking to engage in compassionate systems change. We are connected to the global Center for Systems Awareness and based at the Woodleigh Institute on the Mornington Peninsula in Australia.

You can learn more about the work of the Center for Systems Awareness - Global via their website.

For information about programs, partnerships, initiatives, and community building in Australia, please contact Dr Richard Owens via

You can read more about upcoming workshops, retreats, conferences, and events in Australia here.